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HomeCommunity NewsSPTOR Golf Tournament Tees Off at Arroyo Seco

SPTOR Golf Tournament Tees Off at Arroyo Seco

Photos by

Susan Bradforth

The Review


The South Pasadena Tournament of Roses held its annual golf tournament June 15 at the Arroyo Seco Golf Course, raising funds for the city’s Rose Parade float.

Lin Vlacich, chair of the event, said it was a success financially thanks to increased participation, though final figures were not available. More golfers signed up this year compared to last.

“We know we did better financially due to an increase in the number of people who participated,” said Vlacich, who added that more golfers signed up for this year’s event compared to last. 

The Platinum sponsor was Shaw, Moses, Mendenhall & Associates. Gold sponsors were Mike Azat, who represented Azat Law Group; Alberto Ocon for Farmers Insurance; Ray Schwantner, RV Super Stores; Joshua Aguilera, South Pasadena Tournament of Roses Construction Team; and Alan Vlacich.

Sponsor names will appear on the group’s website,, and be printed on a banner hanging from the tent housing the float construction from August to January at the War Memorial Building, Vlacich said. Funds support one of Southern California’s few volunteer-built Rose Parade floats.

First published in the June 21 print issue of the South Pasadena Review.

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