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HomeBlocksFront-TopArroyo Vista Promotion Sends Off Fifth Graders

Arroyo Vista Promotion Sends Off Fifth Graders

Photos by
Larissa Althouse
The Review


The fifth-grade band performed the processional as 119 Arroyo Vista Elementary fifth graders entered the quad for the “Let the Adventure Begin” promotion ceremony June 4.
Nearly every segment was student-led, except for remarks from Principal Emily Blaney and the presentation of promotion certificates.
Students Theodore Tung, Gabriella Ott and Rocky Zapeda welcomed attendees, Audrey Kim led the flag salute, Aiden Jang and Isaiah Gomez presented the class gift, and Lexi Cronin presented the class.
The program featured students expressing fond Arroyo Vista memories and friendships that shaped them. The entire class performed choral pieces, and Suraiyah Majumdor introduced a bell-ringing performance.
Students thanked supporters and shared thoughts about middle school.
The promotion sent off the Class of 2024, reflecting their growth and nurtured confidence as they begin their next academic journey.

First published in the June 14 print issue of the South Pasadena Review.

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