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HomeCommunity NewsOfficials Advise Hazing for Coyote Safety

Officials Advise Hazing for Coyote Safety

With coyote pup season in full swing and potential interactions more common this time of year, the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, or SGVCOG, recently shared hazing methods from to help keep the animals at bay.
Coyote pup season is spring, usually between April and May. As coyotes are monoestrous, meaning they have one breeding season per year, their pups are born in April or May. Coyotes will use different den sites during this time, but by the time the pups are 8-9 weeks old, they are weaned and the den will be abandoned. Some coyotes select secluded areas for their dens, whereas others in more urbanized areas have less selection and may use dens near buildings or roads or even in parking lots.
By the end of the summer, the pups usually move out of the parents’ territories and seek new habitats, sometimes trying to settle in populated neighborhoods.
“Coyotes are very well adapted to living in cities. Coyotes may be active at any time of day. Their diet consists of rabbits and rodents, carrion, birds and deer, supplemented with berries and other plant materials. If allowed, they will also prey on domestic pets such as cats and any pet food that is left outside,” the city of South Pasadena said on its website. “Coyotes venture out in search of food and shelter. By removing any potential food sources from your home, you can prevent repeat coyote visits. Securing your own home is a good first step, but coexisting with coyotes is truly a group effort, so be sure to share these tips with your neighbors.”
The SGVCOG and Pasadena Humane have provided these tips for properly hazing a coyote:

  • Stand your ground. Make eye contact. Haze until the coyote retreats. Allow room for the coyote to escape.
  • Be aggressive and multisensory. Yell or spray a hose at the coyotes. Use tools that scare with sound, light and motion. Residents should consider waving their arms, jumping up and down, yelling or using a SGVCOG coyote whistle.
  • Prevention first. Keep pets close and attended. Remove any attractants, such as food or water sources. Be aware of coyote dens and pups.
    The SGVCOG provides a regional approach to coyote management and serves as the central organization responsible for outreach and reporting to eight participating cities, including San Marino. Residents can report their sightings to (626) 278-8039, or

    First published in the May 24 print issue of the South Pasadena Review.

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