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Arroyo Vista Student Talent Beams on Stage

Photos by
Staci Moraza
The Review


The Arroyo Vista Elementary School PTA recently coordinated several special community activities, including the annual spring talent show.
The show allows the children to shine on stage and show off their special skills each year. All children are welcome to participate, and several students often team up with their siblings or their friends.
This year’s talent show dress rehearsal was May 7, and on May 9, more than 40 acts hit the stage at South Pasadena High School’s Anderson Auditorium.
Some of the talents showcased included dancing, magic, and violin, piano and guitar playing.
The show ended with an energetic finale dance routine by fifth graders. The dance number was choreographed by fifth grade parent Tapasya Srivastava, who teaches Bollywood dance.
This year’s talent show co-chairs were AV parents Charles Do and Ruth Cusick. Fifteen other parent volunteers also helped to make the event a success.

First published in the May 17 print issue of the South Pasadena Review.

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