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South Pasadena High Grads Turn Their Tassels

Photos by
Larissa Althouse
The Review


Charlotte Dekle, senior class president, welcomed 334 graduating seniors, along with friends and family, to South Pasadena High School’s “Don’t Wave No Goodbye” graduation ceremony on June 5 at Ray Solari Stadium.
After the national anthem performed by Christianna Chang and Vivian Yu, student speaker Noble Jones gave a speech titled “How Did We Survive That?” followed by student speaker Lillian Sherman, who reflected on the common question, “What Now?”
Senior class secretary Hanna Bae introduced special guests before Principal John Eldred provided the formal presentation of the class. Superintendent Geoff Yantz and Board of Education President Karissa Adams presented the diplomas. The salutatorian, Ryan Estanislao, and valedictorian, Linus Sun, were introduced by Katherine Tam, commissioner of academics.
Before exiting, Rowan Smith, senior class vice president, bid farewell. Graduates sang the alma mater to close the ceremony.

First published in the June 14 print issue of the South Pasadena Review.

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