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Earthquakes Rock City

Two small earthquakes struck near South Pasadena as of Wednesday this week.
One quake with a preliminary magnitude of 3.0 was felt in South Pasadena on Tuesday, occurring in roughly the same area as a 3.4 jolt over the weekend.
The quake occurred at 3:05 p.m. and was centered 2.2 miles southwest of South Pasadena and 2.9 miles west of Alhambra, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. There were no reports of damage or injuries.
U.S. Geological Survey officials noted on the social media platform X that the shaker was likely an aftershock of a quake that occurred in the same general area as one that rattled the area on Sunday.
That temblor was initially reported with a magnitude of 3.5, but it was later downgraded to a 3.4. No injuries or damage were reported from Sunday’s quake.
— City News Service

First published in the June 7 print issue of the South Pasadena Review.

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