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Monterey Hills Elementary Promotes 5th-Graders

The 5th-grade band opened the morning at the Monterey Hills Elementary’s 5th-grade promotion ceremony on May 30.

Spring Student Council President Leah Fong followed with the Pledge of Allegiance, and “America the Beautiful”was performed by a mixture of student singers and musicians.

Fall Student Council President Mazzy Galbraith shared class memories before the class gift was presented. Additionally, multiple students honored Principal Laurie Narro and librarian Amy Blum, who both retired this year.

Narro and PTA President Jennifer Tuason delivered special messages for the 110 graduating students before Marc Anthony’s “Vivir Mi Vida”filled the quad with celebration.

Danny Lowstuter and Jackson Song offered the benediction and closing to a festive day.

Photos by Larissa Althouse


Photo captions:

  • Amy, Chloe and Marcel Camargo
  • Natalya Fendelander and Bella Campeau
  • Leah Fong, Ella Apisakkul and Neva Musick
  • Arwen White and Berenice Chan
  • Ivan Palomera with Nathan and Kathy Sedano
  • Roy, Nathan, Kyle and Kim Panares
  • Caelyn Lewis, Marley Cruz and Beverly Chen
  • Taro, Emi and Andrea Takeoka
  • Chris, Emily and Xander Tauscher with Justin, Angela and Reagan McCree
  •  Spencer, Jade, Jacob and Stephanie Santana
  •  Cecily, Coltrane and Conrad Bartolome
  •  Sean, Ivan, Devin and Joanna Choo
  •  Mayra and Dylan Juarez
  •  Luka Hansen and Danny Lowstuter
  •  Jamie, Stella and Jeff Nemetz
  •  Bianca Inclan and Harmony Johnson
  •  John and Kira Fonseca
  •  George, Natalya and Yohara Montejano
  •  Lihua and Richard Pi, Xiaoling Xing
  •  Amelia Erceg, Principal Laurie Narro and Devon Scott
  •  Angelina Fang, Beverly Chen and Aria Mehta
  •  Ailee Rahimi and Armita Radjabian Rahimi
  •  Kade and Madden Tsui
  •  Bernadette Newell, Kamillah and Walter Morales

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