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High Schoolers Dive Into Sports Medicine

Next week, more than 40 students will graduate from South Pasadena High School having completed courses related to sports medicine thereby completing the state-recognized Patient Care Pathway.
In the past two years, these specialized courses — Sports Medicine 1-2 and Advanced Sports Medicine — have been expanded to expose more students to skills and careers in sports medicine. The courses have been led by sports medicine teacher Andre Zumaeta.
As part of the coursework, students must complete 30 hours of clinical work. Many students completed their work-based learning with Mike Lee, the SPHS athletic trainer and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles’ head athletic trainer. The students assisted Lee with taping/wrapping, triage, wound care, injury evaluation, and therapy/rehabilitation for SPHS student athletes.
In addition to Patient Care, SPHS offers opportunities for students in 11 other pathways.
Students who completed the pathway were recognized during Senior Awards Night on May 29.
For more information about all the options for students that are featured in the SPHS Curriculum Course Catalog, visit (pages 65 and 71).

First published in the May 31 print issue of the South Pasadena Review.

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